Ada sebuah perbandingan menarik antara air dan kuda. Keduanya memiliki kemampuan untuk membawa kita ke tempat yang jauh. Seperti halnya kuda dapat membawa manusia, air pun bisa membawa kapal dan orang di atasnya.
Keunikan Air
Yang membuat air menjadi istimewa adalah wujudnya yang bisa berubah-ubah. Ketika dibiarkan bebas, air akan mengalir dan mengisi segala tempat yang ada di depannya. Namun saat dingin, air bisa mengeras menjadi es. Selain itu, air juga mampu memenuhi peran penting dalam kehidupan manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan.
Pentignya Kuda
Kuda telah menjadi teman manusia sejak zaman dahulu karena kemampuannya membawa kita ke tempat yang jauh dengan kecepatan yang cukup. Selain itu, kuda juga dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kegiatan, seperti olahraga dan pertanian.
Demikianlah perbandingan sederhana antara air dan kuda. Keduanya memiliki keunikan yang menarik dan relatif penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Tanpa air, kita tak dapat bertahan hidup. Tanpa kuda, kita tak dapat melakukan kegiatan tertentu.
Kumpulan Pertanyaan dan Jawaban yang Berkaitan dengan "Why Is Water Like A Horse":

1. Why is water like a horse
maksudnyaaaa? ga konek hehehe. . . why is water like a horse = mengapa air seperti kuda
2. Why is water like a horse? A. A table b.thy both run c.a sandwich d.a dirty house e.a beard ??
A dirty house
sorry klo salahSubject : English
Category : Brain teasers
Question :
Why is water like a horse?
Answer :
b. they both run
Explanation :
A horse runs (berlari).
Water runs (mengalir) from high places to lower places. (for example : river water runs to the sea)
3. donkey and horse look a like but horse is... than
bigger than donkey
lebih besar dari keledai
4. It lives in the sea and looks like a horse. It is ......
maaf kalau salah
5. Riris : Would you like anything to drink ? Shinta : ... Riris : Yes, I have it. Do you have fresh water Fresh water is available Why do you like fresh water I like fresh water Do you like fresh water
Do you have fresh water?
Arti : Apakah kamu punya air segar?
Shinta: do you have fresh water?
Riris: apakah kamu ingin sesuatu untuk minum?
Shinta: apakah kamu mempunyai air segar?
Riris: ya saya punya
6. Is it like a horse? does.
Semoga membantu,maaf kalau salah
Apakah itu seperti kuda?...memang begitu
7. why is water important
Because water is a need and to fulfill the needs daily
karena air merupakan kebutuhan dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari
8. Why water is a good solvent?
because water is able to dissolve a wide variety of compounds compared to other molecules. In cells, water is able to dissolve everything from simple compounds such as salts to complex compounds such as proteins and nucleic acids (compounds that make up DNA)
9. why do you like riding on a water slide artinya apa
kenapa kamu suka naik seluncuran air?
10. Why is the mineral water tasteless?
because mineral water taste bland because of the particles are soluble in waterartinya adalah " mengapa air mineral hambar? "
jawabannya adalah karena air mineral sejatinya berasal dari alam dan tidak mempunyai bau,warna(bening),dan juga tidak memiliki rasa.
bahasa inggrisnya"because the mineral water actually comes from nature, and does not have odor, color (clear), and also lacked flavor."
11. why is water vital to humans?
because humans can't life without water
12. 13. Is it a horse 2. Bentuk affirmative dari kalimat tersebut adalaha. it isn't a horseb. a horse is it?c. it is a horsed. is it a horse
C) It is a horse
It is a Horse = itu adalah Kuda
13. laksmi: why you think a horse is strong?
Dinar: because his legs are agile and run very fast
14. Riddle Soal : 1.why is water like horse? 2.what has four legs and flies? grows down has legs but it cannot walk 5.half of it is sand.but people eat it A table They both run A sandwich A dirty horse A bread
1. A dirty horse
2. They both run
3. A bread
4. A table
5. A sandwich
15. translate in indonesia! rina like is a water
Rina itu seperti tetesan air
Semoga membantu, jadikan terbaik ya !Rina menyukai air
Rina seperti air
Semoga membantu :)
16. Why do you think the zebra look like a horse
mengapa Anda berpikir zebra terlihat seperti kuda
Why do you think zebra looks like a horse?
~Because, its body looks similar too. Zebra has four legs, like a horse. It has a tail like a horse. The different can be looked at the striped pattern on zebra's body.
(*semoga membantu)
17. why is sea water salty ?
when i asked to my teacher, she said because the sea water has many compunds like NaCl which can make it salty
18. arti dari "why do you think a horse is strong"
"mengapa kamu berpikir seekor kuda kuat?"mengapa kau berpikir kuda itu kuat
19. Why do you think the zebra look like a horse
mengapa Anda berpikir zebra terlihat seperti kuda
Why do you think zebra looks like a horse?
~Because, its body looks similar too. Zebra has four legs, like a horse. It has a tail like a horse too. The different can be looked at the striped pattern on zebra's body
(*semoga membantu)
20. The horse and the donkey a look like horse is....than the donkey. the donkey is....Than the horsek
the horse and the donkey a look like, horse is bigger than the donkey. the donkey is smaller than the horse.
maaf kalau salah-! ^^